
FFTC is in the top 1% of all podcasts according to ListenNotes! We offer over 400 Founder interviews with over 200 hours of mistake, misconception and mishap stories from their journeys scaling their companies.

Here are some of our favorite Founding CEO interviews!

Podcast Summary: The world is complex and getting more complex by the day. In my experience, anyone that can take aware some of that complexity has a winning business. Erin Green understands this and founded a fast-growth company that helps you ensure you are getting the value you contracted for…

Podcast Summary: Despite one of the largest bubble bursts in the oil and gas industry, Amit Mehta has not only been able to create great value in that industry, but he has been able to grow his company in this challenging and very traditional industry. He is a fountain of…

Podcast Summary: Adrienne Garland is a leader on a mission – on a mission to uplift and educate women leaders and entrepreneurs to be the leaders they can be. Along the way, she has learned a lot about herself as a leader and Founding CEO as she has built her…

Podcast Summary: Nick Francis is on a mission to make the “help desk” an amazing experience for every business. He and his team have created a powerful platform that puts the customer first and makes it easier for every business to make customer service a great experience. On the road to…

Podcast Summary: A few months ago I was looking for some help naming our new service (I can’t wait to share it with you). Many of you would probably agree, it can be challenging to find good names that are not already being used. So I was excited when I…

Podcast Summary: “Be the difference for one,” is the driving motto behind Todd’s organization Back2Back Ministries. He is leading an international team of amazing people who dedicate their lives to support orphans around the world. As inspiring as that mission is, Todd is just like you. He also has had…

Podcast Summary: Refreshing. That’s what came to mind while I was interviewing Jessica for this episode. Jessica has experienced significant success with her fast-growth company, inDinero. She is just one of those down-to-earth CEOs who isn’t afraid to honestly describe the struggles we all face as we begin to scale…

Podcast Summary: Since I was a kid I really enjoyed being organized. Maybe I was a bit unusual. I organized my closet once a quarter. My desk had everything in its place. Even the books on my shelves were categorized by topic.  So, when I interviewed Kip Tindell, Co-founder and…

Podcast Summary: The healthtech market will continue to grow. I am willing to bet on that. And, Founding CEOs like Farhad Farahbakhshian are leading the way. Farhad took his electrical engineering background and his love of healthy living (he is a former spin class instructor) and, along with his co-founder, created the…