
FFTC is in the top 1% of all podcasts according to ListenNotes! We offer over 400 Founder interviews with over 200 hours of mistake, misconception and mishap stories from their journeys scaling their companies.

Here are some of our favorite Founding CEO interviews!

Podcast Summary: Over 2 million people are incarcerated in the United States. Helping to reduce recidivism and provide hope to these men and women is the mission of this unassuming, soft spoken, yet VERY inspiring Founding CEO named Brian Hill. If you think your startup is hard work, listen to Brian…

Podcast Summary: It’s not often we hear about fast-growth startups capturing the attention of big brands and big companies like Universal, Fox, Warner Brothers, Sony, NBC, and Legendary Digital. But, Marc Becker and his team have done so and in the process Marc has learned a great deal about the shift…

Podcast Summary: Back in February of 2017 I read an very interesting blog entry by a guy named Ryan Buckley. The title read, “On Being the 3rd CEO of the Startup I Started.” Now, truthfully, I had never heard of Ryan before I read his blog post on Medium. But,…

Podcast Summary: One of the joys of hosting this podcast is meeting entrepreneurs like Shelley. He combines social entrepreneurship with technology with inspired leadership to have a BIG and growing impact. You’ll hear him talk about: The importance of expert hiring when leading an international company Moving away from micro-management…

Podcast Summary: Seth just gets it. He truly understands “The Road to Recognition” which is also the title of his new book. Seth took some time out from his book tour and his work at fast-growing Placester to help you, our community of Founder & CEOs. Seth is a master…

Podcast Summary: Whoever said printing is dead, did not tell Shaun Buck and his fast growing team in Boise Idaho. Shaun has an amazing story. He was a father at age 16, bounced back and forth from several startups for a number of years, and found his expertise as he…

Podcast Summary: Rami knows something you may not know. Your digital assets are under constant attack from BOTS. These are software applications that run automated tasks (scripts) over the Internet. And, they can wreak havok on your systems, even if you are a small company with a small website. Rami…

Podcast Summary: This is a challenging episode to share with you. It’s difficult to listen to Ryan Berg’s description of the situation he once encountered for the first time. But, it’s really important to listen closely to his story and the story of the women he and his team strive…

Podcast Summary: David Hassell and his team have created a simple but elegant technology solution to ensure great communication amongst your team members. And David is one of those Founding CEOs who practices what he preaches. He uses his own software and it works great for his team, too. David…