184 — Brian Hill

Podcast Summary:

Over 2 million people are incarcerated in the United States. Helping to reduce recidivism and provide hope to these men and women is the mission of this unassuming, soft spoken, yet VERY inspiring Founding CEO named Brian Hill.

If you think your startup is hard work, listen to Brian describe his mission, vision, and his journey From Founder to CEO and all that you may believe may be placed in a better perspective. Plus, you will learn a lot from him about how he develops his team and keeps them engaged. This is a MUST listen interview that you won’t soon forget.

Click to Tweet Brian Hill, CEO of @edovotweets, ‏#education over obstacles - changing the potential of every person affected by #incarceration https://fromfoundertoceo.com/?p=2964


Name: Brian Hill, Founder & CEO

Company: Edovo

Headquartered In: Chicago, Illinois

Powerful Promise of Value: Edovo provides meaningful access to education and self-improvement tools that can unlock the potential of every person affected by incarceration.

Contact: www.edovo.com@edovotweets

Sponsored by: Trail Team 10

Who’s on YOUR team? Need help scaling your leadership abilities while you scale your businesses? Looking for a safe, confidential, and supportive peer group of Founding CEOs from different cities that will push you to be a better leader and grow your startup?

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One thought on “184 — Brian Hill

  1. I know Brian Hill. Brian Hill is a friend of mine. I will NEVER be as wonderful, compassionate, kind, and generous as Brian Hill.

    He is the best….the very best.

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