166 — Ryan Denehy

Podcast Summary:

It was great to speak with a fellow Hofstra alum, Ryan Denehy, in this episode. Ryan was the youngest executive at the mighty media company, Gannett, when he decided to head out and become a Founder. His stories about founding SWARM Mobile and now Electric AI will really inspire you because of the sacrifices he made to make both companies happen. What really impressed me in this interview was his big insight about the need for Founding CEOs to simply take the time to think through the direction of the company as it grows. Let me know what you think: [email protected]

Click to Tweet @DenehyXXL #CEO @Electric_AI - is changing the way #IT support is delivered to the modern business https://fromfoundertoceo.com/?p=2697


Name: Ryan Denehy, Founder & CEO

Company: Electric AI  

Headquartered In: New York, New York

Powerful Promise of Value: Electric helps businesses save time and money by keeping their business-critical apps and hardware running smoothly, right from Slack.

Contacts: www.electric.ai, [email protected], @DenehyXXL

Sponsored by: Trail Team 10

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