Tag Archives: ceo

There’s Just Something About Paper

My battalion commander had tasked me with the responsibility of conducting an “officer professional development” training program for all the officers in our combat engineer unit. This was a first for me. My responsibility included coordinating the logistics for the field trip to a famous battlefield, developing all the materials…

Mantras, Maxims, Mottos, and Mnemonics

They wash over us like water over a dam. You see them, read them, and absorb them constantly. “Hire slow, fire fast.” “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” “Start before you are ready.” “Management is doing things right, leadership is doing the right things.” “Just take massive action.” “FOCUS: Follow One…

What’s the drug of choice for Founding CEOs?

Have you ever met a Founder who wasn’t predisposed to “action orientation?” The Entrepreneurial Mindset Profile (EMP) developed by Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida defines this as “a tendency to show initiative, make decisions quickly, and feel impatient for results.” Ha! Impatient? I’m a Founder CEO and NOTHING ever happens as fast as…