Category Archives: Podcast

390 — Craig J. Lewis

Podcast Summary A larger number of people in the United States are “gig workers.” And, that number has increased steadily. Craig and his team know this and are on a mission to help serve this group of hard working people connect easily with the organizations that hire them. He is…

389 — Tim Warren

Podcast Summary Tim has been a friend for quite some time. I admire him for so many reasons…not the least of which is his prowess at sales. In fact, it was this skill that also prevented him from scaling. What? Yes, his skills at sales limited the company’s ability to…

388 — Lucas Béland

Podcast Summary I sincerely appreciated Lucas’ candor. He and his team are quite innovative with their approach to creating experiences for brands and their customers. And, he is quite articulate about his personal struggle From Founder To CEO at the ripe age of 19. It has to do with the…

387 — Dan Demsky

Podcast Summary Wool. An old friend with a new twist from a team that is on fire. Dan chronicles the rise of Unbound Merino and also the merits of being “The Lazy Co-Founder.” What exactly does that mean? Listen and hear for yourself.   Company: Unbound Merino Powerful Promise of…